Blog 9 responsive design e1687791086846 uai

Reach your target audience on any device

Seamless user experience

One of the main benefits of responsive design is providing a seamless user experience regardless of the device being used. Whether on a desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone, a responsive design ensures that your website runs smoothly and consistently. This contributes to the satisfaction of your users and increases the chance of conversions.

Mobile friendliness and search engine optimization (SEO)

Another important aspect of responsive design is mobile-friendliness and its impact on search engine optimization (SEO). With the growing number of people using mobile devices, it is essential that your website displays well on these devices. Responsive design ensures that your content is presented optimally, making it easy for users to navigate and find the information they want. In addition, Google prefers mobile-friendly websites and rewards them with a higher position in the search results.

Future proof

Responsive design is forward-looking and ensures your digital platforms are flexible to support new technologies and devices. By investing in responsive design, you are prepared for the constant evolution of technology and changes in the behavior of your target audience.

Consistent brand experience

A key benefit of responsive design is the ability to deliver a consistent brand experience across devices. Whether your target audience visits your website from a desktop computer or a smartphone, responsive design ensures that your brand identity and message are displayed consistently. This strengthens the recognisability and credibility of your brand.


In short, the importance of responsive design is invaluable in the digital age. By designing websites that adapt to different screen sizes and devices, you provide a seamless user experience, improve your mobile friendliness, increase your findability in search engines and create a consistent brand experience. With Brain Communicatie as your partner, you can benefit from our expertise in marketing and branding to create responsive digital platforms that resonate with your target audience and strengthen your online presence.

Contact us today and learn how we can help you design responsive websites that meet the needs of your target audience across devices.

Blog 8 typography uai

The impact of typography

What is typography

Before we delve deeper into the importance of typography in design, it is helpful to understand what typography actually entails. Typography refers to the art and technique of shaping and formatting text in a visually appealing and readable way. It includes the choice of fonts, font sizes, line spacing, leading, and other typographical elements that affect the readability, aesthetics, and impact of written text.


One of the main functions of typography is to increase the readability of text. By choosing a font that is easy to read, with the right size, line spacing and spacing, we ensure that the text is easy to read. We understand that readability is essential to effectively convey your message. We help you select typography that is clear and understandable so that your target audience can effortlessly read what you want to communicate.

Personality and brand identity

Typography also contributes to a design's personality and brand identity. By choosing a specific font, we can create the desired atmosphere and look that suits your brand. At Brain, we guide you in selecting typography that conveys the right emotion and personality. Whether you want an elegant, modern, playful or corporate design, we help you find the typography that reflects the desired brand identity.

Hierarchy and visualization

Typography can also help create hierarchy and visualize information in a design. By using different font sizes, bold or italic styles, and color accents, we can emphasize important information and guide the reader through the content. Our specialists support you in developing a typographic hierarchy that presents the most important messages in your design in an effective and visually attractive way.

Coherence and consistency

Choosing the right typography also ensures coherence and consistency in all your communication materials. Whether it's your website, print, social media or other marketing communications, using consistent typography reinforces your brand identity and creates a professional look. At Brain, we help you establish a typographic style guide, including fonts, sizes and styles, to ensure your brand is consistent and recognizable across all of your communications.

Our expertise for well-considered typographical choices

In conclusion, the role of typography in design is invaluable. The correct use of typography ensures readability, contributes to brand identity, aids in visualizing information and creates coherence and consistency. With Brain Communicatie as your partner, you can benefit from our expertise in marketing and branding to choose the right typography that fits your message and brand.

Contact us today and find out how we can help you make informed typography choices for effective and aesthetically pleasing designs.

Blog 7 email scaled uai

Stand out in the inbox

A clear strategy

A good email marketing campaign starts with a clear strategy. It is important to analyze your target audience and divide it into groups so that your message becomes more relevant and personal. Set measurable goals, such as increasing sales, generating leads, or strengthening your brand awareness. Through a strategic approach you ensure that your email campaign is aimed at achieving specific results.

The power of good content

Good content is essential for an effective email campaign. Brain Communicatie features writers and designers who work together to create content that tells your brand story and conveys your message in a unique and compelling way. Think compelling subject lines, beautiful images, and compelling calls to action. This is how we make sure your emails stand out in your recipients' inboxes.

Automation and personalization

Automation and personalization play a major role in effective email marketing. We use advanced tools to automate and adapt your email campaign to the recipient. By looking at data and behavior of your recipients, you can create personalized offers, recommendations and content that match their interests and needs. This makes your emails more relevant and ensures more engagement and conversion.

Test and improve

It's important to continuously test and improve your email campaigns. We run A/B tests to find out what works best. We can look at open rates, click-through rates and conversions. Use this data to optimize your email campaign and get better results. By continuing to test and improve, you increase your impact and success.


Email marketing remains a powerful and effective way to reach your target audience and build engagement. With Brain Communicatie by your side, you can benefit from the art of effective email marketing.

Contact us today and find out how we can help you improve your email marketing strategy and increase your impact.

GRT 1801 uai

Stand out in a busy market

Attract and hold attention

Videos have a unique power to grab and hold people's attention. They combine images and sounds to convey a powerful message. By using captivating stories, attractive images and sound effects, you can touch your target audience emotionally and leave a lasting impression. Videos increase the engagement of your target audience, resulting in longer viewing times, more likes, comments and shares on social media, and a higher chance of successful promotions.

viral potential

Videos have the ability to go viral and reach a large audience. People like to share interesting, inspiring or funny videos with others, which can greatly increase your reach. Sharing videos on social media, platforms like YouTube and your own website increases your brand's visibility and attracts new potential customers. By optimizing your videos for search engines, you can also increase your online findability and get more visitors to your website.

Convey brand identity and values

Videos provide an excellent opportunity to convey your brand identity and values. Telling your brand story in a compelling way can help you build an emotional connection with your target audience. You can highlight your unique features, products or services and convince your audience of the benefits you have to offer. At Brain Communicatie we have the expertise to create videos that perfectly match your brand, strike the right tone and strengthen your brand image.

Boosting conversions

Videos have been proven effective in boosting conversions. Adding a video to your landing page can increase conversion rates and convince potential customers to take action, such as filling out a form, making a purchase, or signing up for your newsletter. With attractive calls-to-action in your videos, you can encourage your audience to take the desired action.

Distinctiveness in a competitive market

In a competitive market, it is essential to stand out and grab the attention of your target audience. Videos give you the opportunity to be unique and convey your message in a creative and distinctive way. By working with Brain Communicatie you benefit from our expertise in video production and storytelling. This allows you to distinguish yourself from your competitors and leave a lasting impression with your target group.

Video as an essential marketing tool

In short, video is no longer an optional addition to your marketing strategy, but an essential tool to grow your brand and reach your target audience. With our expertise in video production and marketing, we can help you create high-quality videos that convey your message in an effective and engaging way.

Contact us today and boost your marketing with the power of video!

Blog 5 Social media uai

Become visible online

Reaching a wider audience

One of the biggest advantages of social media is the unprecedented reach you can achieve. By being present on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn, you can reach a much wider audience than with traditional marketing channels. It doesn't matter where people are, you can connect with them. This opens the doors to new potential customers and business opportunities that might otherwise remain out of reach.

Strengthening your brand identity

Social media offers an excellent opportunity to show and strengthen your brand identity. By consistently implementing your branding, sharing relevant content and communicating your unique values, you can build and strengthen your brand. People will recognize and remember your business when they see a strong presence of your brand on social media.

Increasing the involvement of your target group

Social media allows you to get in direct contact with your target audience. You can start conversations, answer questions and receive feedback. By actively listening and responding, you can create engagement that leads to loyal customers. In addition, by sharing engaging content, such as photos, videos, polls and competitions, you can engage and enthuse your target audience.

Increasing your online visibility

A strong social media presence can increase your online visibility. When people are looking for products or services that your company offers, they are more likely to find you if you are active on social media. By using relevant keywords and hashtags you can make yourself visible to potential customers and stay ahead of competitors.

Always stay informed

On social media you can quickly follow trends and developments within your industry. You can see what's going on, what people find interesting and what your competitors are doing. This enables you to respond quickly to changes and adjust your strategy to stay relevant.


As a company or brand, it is crucial to be active on social media. It enables you to reach a wider audience, strengthen your brand identity, increase engagement, increase online visibility and follow trends closely. If you're not already active on social media, it's time to take the plunge and take advantage of the many benefits it offers. At Brain Communicatie we are ready to help you set up and manage your social media strategy, so that you can be successful in the online world.

Contact us today and discover how social media can transform your business!

Blog 4 website traffic uai

From visibility to success

Improve your online visibility

An effective way to increase your website traffic is by applying SEO optimization. By paying attention to the technical aspects of your website, such as speeding up the loading time, optimizing metadata and improving the site structure, you can increase the visibility of your website. In addition, it is important to research relevant keywords that your target group uses, so that you can optimize your website for search engines.

Valuable content for your target audience

Content marketing plays an important role in attracting website traffic. By creating valuable and engaging content that meets the needs of your target audience, you can drive more traffic to your website. Think of writing relevant blog posts, creating informative infographics and sharing valuable white papers. By regularly publishing interesting content, you increase your authority in the industry and drive more traffic to your website.

Increase your reach and engagement

Social media is a powerful tool to increase your website traffic. By being active on social media and sharing compelling content that engages your followers, you'll increase brand awareness and drive more traffic to your website. Identify the right social media channels your target audience is active on and make sure your content is relevant and shareable. This way you increase your online presence and attract more visitors.

Targeted approach for more website traffic

Online advertising, such as Google Ads and social media advertising, can be a direct and targeted way to increase your website traffic. By accurately targeting, creating attractive ad designs and strategically bidding, you can make the most of your advertising budget and drive more traffic to your website. It's important to understand your target audience and tailor your ads to their needs and interests.

continuous improvement of your website traffic

The importance of data and analytics for improving your website traffic cannot be underestimated. By performing detailed analysis, you gain insight into the behavior of your visitors, the sources of your website traffic and the conversion rates. With this data, you can optimize your strategies and campaigns to get the most out of your investments and improve your website traffic.


Increasing your website traffic is essential to boosting the growth of your business. By using strategies such as SEO optimization, content marketing, social media marketing, online advertising and continuous analysis and optimization, you can increase traffic to your website and achieve your business goals. With Brain Communicatie as your partner, you benefit from our expertise in marketing and branding to achieve your goal.

Contact us today and find out how we can help you increase your website traffic and achieve your business goals.

Blog 3 Design trends uai

Design trends for successful projects

Minimalism and Simplicity:

Minimalism is a popular design trend in recent years. It is about using simple shapes, neutral colors and a clean design. At Brain Communicatie we encourage the use of minimalism to create a sleek and modern design that grabs attention. Minimalism can be applied to websites, logos, packaging designs and more.

Vibrant colors and gradients:

The use of bright colors and color gradients is gaining popularity. Vibrant colors and subtle gradients can energize your designs and make a strong visual impact. Brain Communicatie recommends using vibrant colors and color gradients to differentiate your brand and leave a lasting impression.

Typography as a design element:

Typography plays an increasingly important role in design.
By using eye-catching fonts, mixing different font styles, and creating creative typographic layouts, you can enhance your designs and give them a unique look. It can strengthen your brand identity and help convey your message visually.

Responsive and mobile-friendly design:

With the growing use of mobile devices, responsive and mobile-friendly design is essential. Optimizing your designs for different screen sizes and ensuring that your website and other digital expressions work well on mobile devices is important. We use responsive design techniques to provide a seamless user experience across all devices.

Illustrations and graphic visuals:

The use of illustrations and graphic visuals is becoming increasingly popular in design. These visual elements can tell a story, simplify complex concepts and create a playful, creative atmosphere. It gives your brand a unique look and attracts the attention of the target group.


Following design trends is important to keep your brand and projects up-to-date and attractive. With Brain Communicatie as a partner, you can benefit from our expertise in marketing and branding to effectively apply the latest design trends in your projects.

Contact us today and find out how we can help you make your brand stand out with contemporary and appealing design.

Blog 2 animation scaled uai

The power of animation

Simplify complex concepts with animation

Animation is an excellent medium to communicate complex concepts in a simple and understandable way. With animation you can bring abstract ideas, processes or products to life and explain them in a visually appealing way. This way you can convey your message clearly and make sure your target audience understands it.

Strengthen your brand identity with animation

Animation offers a great opportunity to strengthen your brand identity and differentiate your business from the competition. By consistently using animation in your marketing and branding materials, you create a recognizable visual style that strengthens your brand and leaves a lasting impression with your target audience. At Brain Communicatie we understand the importance of brand identity and help you develop animations that perfectly match the core values ​​and image of your company.

Animation: an effective tool for social media

Animation is ideally suited for sharing on social media. Short and catchy animations can be consumed and shared quickly, making them an effective means of expanding your reach. Animation allows you to convey your message in an engaging and entertaining way, making people more likely to share it with their network.

The power of animation for business presentation

In short, animation is a powerful and smart way to present your company to the outside world. It grabs attention, makes an impression, simplifies complex concepts, strengthens your brand identity and increases your reach on social media. With Brain Communicatie as your partner, you can take advantage of our expertise in marketing and branding to create engaging and impactful animations that take your business to the next level.

Contact us today and find out how we can help you strategically use animation to promote and grow your business.

Blog 1 brand consistency web uai

Create impact with consistency

Build trust with brand consistency

Consistency in your brand helps build trust with your target audience. People trust brands that are consistent because they exude reliability, professionalism and commitment. By being consistent in your communication, visual identity and values, you can build trust and create a strong connection with your target audience.

Easily recognizable in a busy market

A consistent brand is easily recognizable, even in a crowded market. By being consistent in your logo, color scheme, fonts, and other visual elements, you can create a cohesive look that differentiates your brand and helps your audience quickly recognize your brand. It also ensures that your message is clear and understandable, regardless of the channel or medium you use. It helps your target group to understand your brand and make the right associations. At Brain Communicatie we have experienced designers who can help you strengthen your brand identity and create consistent visual elements that appeal to your target audience.

Consistent brand experience for satisfied customers

Brand consistency contributes to a consistent experience for your customers across all touchpoints. Whether it's your website, social media, packaging or customer service, a consistent brand experience will keep your customers happy and loyal. It's important to align all aspects of the customer journey with your brand values ​​so that your customers have a seamless and consistent experience that engages them and connects them to your brand.

Brain Communicatie : Your partner in brand consistency

As a marketing and branding agency Brain Communicatie understands the value of brand consistency, and we can help you build a strong and consistent brand. We offer strategic advice, creative solutions and a thoughtful approach to ensure your brand consistency is maintained at all levels. Our team of experts is ready to support you in strengthening your brand and creating a lasting impact.

Contact us today and build a strong and consistent brand that stands out in the market together with Brain Communicatie .