E Mobilitypark Vlissingen uai

Looking for a fast charging charging station? Brain knows how best to attract attention.

AgriSnellaad relied on the specialists of Brain Communicatie for a solid positioning. With custom design, brochures, stickering of the charging stations, advertisements that manage to attract the attention of the target group and a new website, Agri Snellaad starts with a full battery.

charging station with slide
pamphlet 1
05 inside spread top v2 scaled uai
billboard mockup v3 01
Banner black

Advertising expressions

To attract the attention of entrepreneurs and motorists, an online and offline marketing offensive has been chosen. By using brochures, banners and billboards, Brain attracted the attention of all administrators and companies in the region. The charging stations themselves? These are very easy to recognize thanks to Brain's stickers.

Magazine Brochure Mockup Avelina Studio 1 scaled uai
website new 1 e1665478914245


Brain's web designer listened carefully to AgriSnellaad's wishes and opted for a user-friendly website with tons of information. With converting texts, representative images and a professional house style, the fast-loading website is an information beacon for AgriSnellaad customers. Whether they are companies, foundations, municipalities or individuals.

Visit the website →