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Brain designed grass brochures in the new corporate identity

Informing is extremely important, also in the international world of grass. That is why DLF, together with Brain, planted the creative seeds for a fresh new corporate identity and an informative brochure campaign. Brain's designers worked closely with DLF's marketing department to stay close to the heart of the organization.

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Authority in the market

As a major player in every market, it is important to maintain the right image. As an authority, DLF shows versatility and a high level of knowledge. By publishing new grass brochures, the grass giant shows what the future looks like for grass fields.

From lawn to turf

The brochures designed by Brain highlight the various possibilities in grass and the new corporate identity plays an important role in creating the right atmosphere. Advantages and disadvantages are highlighted, so that the right grass can be chosen for every situation.

Collaboration of specialists

Every result requires some effort. Brain Communicatie relies on the creativity and team spirit of the bright minds who can take on any challenge. Graphic designers work together with copywriters, technicians and other specialists to achieve spectacular end results again and again.