Commissioned by the municipality of Kapelle, the graphic designers developed an informative brochure for the Zuidhoek 3 project.

Workers on the Zuidhoek 3 project in the municipality of Kapelle trusted Brain Communicatie for an inviting, informative brochure. With striking illustrations and photos and cleverly designed layouts, Zuidhoek 3 really is a place where you can feel at home.

High quality brochure

With the impressive work that has been done to build Zuidhoek 3, it was obvious for the creative Brainers that high quality brochures had to be designed for this. With representative and attractive photos, clear information and enthusiastic texts, everything about Zuidhoek 3 is made clear in a stylish layout.

Digi accessibility

Nowadays, within municipalities and projects, more and more attention is being paid to making certain elements digitally accessible. Brain was therefore asked not only to supply this brochure as a printed version, but also to prepare the brochure digitally so that everyone could read this document with ease. Mission accomplished!