Are you considering repositioning your company in the market? Just choosing a random marketing strategy makes no sense. To really launch your company or organization, you naturally want to make the best choices. How do you make a positioning and what tools do you need? Logos, colors, font, tone, etc. Brain Communicatie is happy to take you on a journey to put everything in order. With a well-thought-out, stable foundation for your strategy optimization, we do everything we can to get you to the place in the market where you want to be. Our positioning strategy is fully tailored to your organization, your target group and the market in which you operate.
With a careful competitive analysis, the search for the right proposition and communication strategy, we take the first steps in repositioning your company. The repositioning naturally starts with the question: “How does the company position itself now?”. In order to regain old customers and attract new customers, it is of course important to know where the improvements lie. Hence the extensive analyzes and research that Brain's creative specialists do before we get started.
Brain's advisors are happy to help you understand what we're going to do. Let us give you detailed answers to questions such as “what is a repositioning?”. We start with positioning: Connecting associations and properties to a unique brand or company. But what is a repositioning then? Repositioning a company or brand means nothing less than re-marketing the existing products or services. In a different way, perhaps supplemented with new products or services, a different approach, new colors and logos, a new communication strategy. As we said before: Brain helps you regain your old customers, keep existing customers happy and attract new customers.
Do you feel it's time to reposition your business? Or do you just want some advice from a Brainer? These 10 reasons are a good opportunity to call Brain Communicatie .
1- Internal professionalization
With the growth of your company, your own experience and professionalism has of course also grown. Does your image still suit you?
2- Merger, Growth or Acquisition
A growing company needs to adjust its target from time to time. A merger or acquisition involves so many changes that a repositioning is inevitable.
3- New products or services
Is your company taking a new tack and are you starting to deviate from your direct competitors? New products or services sometimes require a repositioning.
4- Changed customer demand
Has the target group changed, or has the interest of your customers changed? Then you have to change. If not, new customers need to be attracted. Anyway, a repositioning is a great plan.
5- Image problem
That sounds scary, but it's not too bad. Your customers don't think you're a down-and-out company. But they also don't quite know what you stand for and what you do. A wrong image of your organization.
6- Dated positioning
With many years of experience, the logo and the way you communicate with your customers and relations also become obsolete. A breath of fresh air from Brain can't hurt!
7- Technological developments
Well, technology does not stand still. Do you know the story of Kodak? The large multinational went bankrupt because it failed to anticipate the arrival of the digital camera in time. If only they had called Brain…
8- New Competitors
Is a new competitor attacking the market with brutal strategies? Fight fire with love by enlisting the help of Brain Communicatie .
9- Well-known competitors
Your competitors may also have been busy with a rebranding. Are you bothered by stinging competitors? Brain pokes back with you.
10- New trends
Are you an old school company, or do you like to follow trends? Either way, in most cases your customers like to go with trends. Brain gives you a helping hand.
This is your moment